Camden’s 2015 Memorial Day

CAMDEN — The citizens of Camden do honor their sons and daughters from the Revolutionary War forward, and each Memorial Day the town turns out to honor its war dead. Those who have sacrificed their lives so that each of us may enjoy the freedoms we do today is why we recognize this day.
Rodney Lynch led the ceremony at the harbor that included the Camden Hills Regional High School band, a military honor guard, a benediction, taps and laying of a wreath atop the harbor waters to honor all those who have died at sea.
“On this Memorial Day 2015, we have gathered at the harbor for the purpose of remembering, honoring and preserving the memory of those ordinary men and women of Camden, who have served and at times given all for myriad of U.S military wars, conflicts and engagements” Lynch said.
The parade began at 9:30 a.m. and after a stop at the Conway Monument, and at the Village Green to honor the memorial there with a military salute and the playing of taps, the parade made its way up Elm and then Main Street to the Civil War Memorial. Eventually, the parade culminated at Mt. View Cemetery, where Lynch and others spoke and the band played taps and the national anthem.
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