Camden Garden Club adds second Clean-Up Day, May 20
CAMDEN — Camden Garden Club’s second Clean-Up Day will take place Monday, May 20, at 9 a.m., to continue beautifying the public spaces of Camden Village. All are welcome to join garden club members.
Initially, Camden Garden Club members gathered at the Village Green and newly adopted Mechanic Street Garden for winter clean-up. Rhododendrons and roses got some much-needed trimming and fertilizing after the long winter, according to the Garden Club, in a news release. New members joined long-standing club gardeners for edging and general maintenance of the shrub border across the back of the Green.
The second phase of the gardening day was clearing and preparing the double-level planters at the Mechanic Street Garden.
“Working with the Camden community is part of the Club's mission statement,” said the Club. “Eager gardeners enjoy working together to beautify the village.”
The Camden Garden Club is a registered 501c(3) nonprofit and a member of the Garden Club Federation of Maine and National Garden Clubs, Inc. Our mission is to develop and preserve our environment by beautifying the community, enhancing public spaces, offering educational programs, and practicing resource conservation. For additional information and to remain informed about events through Camden Garden Club, visit the Club’s website and sign up for their newsletter at