Union Historical Society

Author Jody Bachelder to discuss Samoset and the Wawenock of Pemaquid, Maine

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    UNION — Union Historical Society’s June 14 program features Author Jody Bachelder and her book Here First about the first indigenous person to contact the colonists at Plymouth.

    Samoset, a Sagamore of the Wawenock, walked into Plymouth on March 16, 1621, and proclaimed, “Greetings Englishman.”

    Bachelder grew up on the Pemaquid Peninsula and wrote her book to answer the question “What was Samoset doing in Plymouth?”

    The free program begins at 7 p.m., in the historic Old Town House, 128 Townhouse Road in Union.


    Event Date: 

    Wed, 06/14/2023 - 7:00pm

    Event Location: 

    Union Historical Society


    Old Town House
    128 Townhouse Road
    Union, ME 04862
    United States