Agenda set for RSU 20 board meeting: Q3 schedule proposal, COVID-19 school testing

Fri, 01/08/2021 - 10:30am

SEARSPORT — The agenda for the next RSU 20 school board meeting has been set with the meeting set for Jan. 12. 

The meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m., remotely and in-person, at the SDMHS cafetorium. 


1. Call to order

2. Agenda adjustments

3. Accept board meeting agenda

4. Recognitions

5. Consideration of minutes for Nov. 10 and Dec. 8 regular board meetings

6. Consent Agenda (Minutes)
a. Finance - Nov. 10
b. Building, Grounds and Transportation - Nov. 30
c. Policy - Nov. 16
d. Policy - Dec. 7
e. Policy - Dec. 21

7. Presentations
a. COVID-19 testing at school - presented by Monica Furrow, BSN, RN, RSU 20 school nurse

8. Public Participation

9. Superintendent Report

10. Committee Reports
a. Finance - Nov. 10
b. Policy - Nov. 16
c. Policy - Dec. 7
d. Policy - Dec. 21

11. Old Business

12. New Business
a. Consideration of approval of: 
• Mandy Freeman, SpEd Ed Tech I, Day Treatment, SES
• Amanda Rideout, SpEd Ed Tech I, Life Skills, SDHS
b. Consideration of approval: 2021-2022 superintendent’s appointment
c. Earned Paid Leave Law and RSU 20 Procedure
d. Consideration of approval policies (second reading): ADC, IMC, IJOC
e. First reading of policies: DFF, JJE, JJE-R, JN
f. FY22 Budget Timeline
g. Substitute Pay Schedule updated with new increased minimum wage rates (information) 
h. Consideration of approval: Quarter 3 schedule

13. Date, time and location for next board meeting

14. Adjournment