Agenda set for RSU 20 board meeting Oct. 26
SEARSPORT — The agenda for the next Regional School Unit 20 school board meeting has been set.
The meeting will be held Tuesday, Oct. 26 at 6:30 p.m. in the SDMHS cafetorium.
Livestreaming will be available.
1. Call to order
2. Adjustments
3. Accept agenda
4. Recognitions
5. Consideration of Oct. 12 minutes
6. Consent Agenda: Finance committee meeting minutes - Oct. 12
7. Presentations
8. Public participation
9. Superintendent’s report
10. Committee reports
11. Old Business
a. Consideration of COVID guidelines
12. New Business
a. Consideration of approval of the following support staff hire:
* Mary Vasiliauskas, Ed Tech I, Kindergarten, SES
b. Consideration of approval of the superintendent evaluation process
c. Consideration of approval for the following policies
* Job Descriptions
* Policy EFE - Competitive Food Sales
* Policy GDO - Evaluation of Support Staff
d. Update on remote learning and subsequent actions
13. Date, time, location for next meeting
14. Adjournment