Agenda set for RSU 20 board meeting Nov. 10

Fri, 11/06/2020 - 10:00am

SEARSPORT — The agenda for the next Regional School Unit 20 school board meeting has been established. 

The meeting will be held Tuesday, Nov. 10 at 6:30 p.m. in the SDMHS cafetorium, virtually and in-person. 


1. Call the meeting to order

2. Adjustments to the agenda

3. Accept board meeting agenda

4. Recognitions

5. Consideration of minutes for Oct. 13 and Oct. 26

6. Consent Agenda (Minutes)
a. Building, Grounds, Transportation meeting minutes of Oct. 26
b. Finance committee meeting minutes of Oct. 13

7. Presentations - None

8. Public Participation

9. Report from the Superintendent 

10. Committee Reports
a. Policy
b. Building, Grounds, Transportation
c. Finance

11. Old Business

12. New business
a. Consideration of approval of nomination of Tabitha Bishop, Ed Tech III, Interventionist, SES
b. Consideration of approval of nomination of Linda Taylor, SpEd Ed Tech III (PRAISE), SES
c. Consideration of approval of nomination of Dakota Wing, Ed Tech III, SDHS
d. Consideration of approval of nomination of Rachel Valaitis, SpEd Teach (Day Treatment), SES
e. Consideration of approval to add Kim Andersson, SDMHS Dean, as signer of SDMHS student activities checking account
f. Approval of winter coaches: 
1. Varsity & JV Boys Basketball - Open
2. Varsity Girls Basketball - Melvin Grant
3. MS Boys Basketball - Jeff Golder
4. MS Girls Basketball - Mike Vasiliauskas
5. Volunteer Girls Basketball - Briana Ellis
g. First reading of the following policy changes
1. Policy ADC - Tobacco and Nicotine Free Schools
2. Policy IMC - Guest Speakers in schools
3. Policy IJOC - School volunteers
h. Consideration of approval of new lease for Chromebooks (in addition to lease agreement voted on last month) 

13. Date, Time, Location for next board meeting

14. Adjournment