Agenda set for RSU 20 board meeting May 24

Sat, 05/21/2022 - 12:00pm

SEARSPORT — The agenda for the next Regional School Unit 20 school board meeting has been set.

The meeting will be held Tuesday, May 24 at 6:30 p.m. in the SDMHS cafetorium.

Livestreaming will be available.


1. Call to order

2. Adjustments

3. Accept agenda

4. Recognitions

5. Consideration of Minutes - May 10

6. Consent Agenda (Minutes) 
a. Finance - May 10
b. Policy - May 16

7. Presentations

8. Public Participation 

9. Superintendent’s Report

10. Committee Report
a. Policy - May 16

11. Old Business

12. New Business

a. Consideration of teacher to be offered second year probationary contract: Deanna Buck, Kindergarten, SES, Step-6

b. Consideration of approval for transfer
1. Christin Obrey, SpEd Teacher (MS-Rise) to Sped Teacher (MS-Life Skills), Step B-4
2. Kim Laplant, V-Alt teacher (SDHS) to English (SDHS) Step B-16+

c. Consideration of approval of the following administrative contract extensions
1. Larry Clement, SES Principal - 6/30/24
2. Joshua Toothaker, SDMHS Principal - 6/30/24
3. Kim Anderson, SDMHS Dean of Students - 6/30/24
4. Amanda Little, Special Education - 6/30/24
5. Robert Bradford, IT & Data - 6/30/24
6. Dhyana Blanchard, Business & HR - 6/30/24
7. Russ Flag, Grounds & Transportation - 6/30/24
8. Tina Cook, Nutrition & SES Manager - 6/30/23

d. Discussion on valedictorian and salutatorian class rankings

13. Next board meeting

14. Adjournment