Wellness Wednesdays: Heart Healthy Tips from Dr. Maloof

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Fri, 02/26/2021 - 10:30am

Wellness Wednesdays: Heart Healthy Tips from Dr. Maloof

Dr. Maloof’s inside tips for a healthy heart and cardiovascular system.

Having a healthy cardiovascular system is important for all us and prevention is often the key to long term heart health. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, heart disease is the number 1 killer of Americans with nearly 655,000 deaths from heart disease each year.

Luckily heart disease is often preventable! The Principles of Naturopathic Medicine are the map that provide natural, non-invasive options for supporting a healthy body and mind. So, what can you do to help lower the risk factors associated with poor cardiovascular health?

Dr. Maloof’s Inside tip for a Healthy Heart

  • Eating Fats: Cholesterol levels are often a risk factor for heart disease when the levels are out of balance. Dr. Maloof says “In the past fats have been seen at the enemy of the heart, but this is only sort of true. It is all about the quality and source of the fat.” Naturally occurring fats in whole foods are often beneficial for the body as a whole, including the cardiovascular system. Eating foods high in fats such as free-range organic eggs, nuts, seeds, avocados, olives & olive oil, and seafood are great options to support healthy cholesterol levels. Be sure to avoid trans-fats


  • Avoid Processed Foods: The human body is not made for consuming artificial foods or high levels of sodium. Processed foods are often chemically modified and high in sodium. “What you eat can either contribute to or help prevent diseases” says Dr. Maloof. She recommends eating whole foods and variety of fruits and vegetables and to be light with the amount of salt you add.


  • Exercise: Having exercise be apart of your daily or weekly routine positively impacts cardiovascular health and can improve heart health. Dr. Maloof recommends setting achievable goal for exercise and if you pass them, that’s great! It can be as simple as walking for 20 minutes once a day or a more moderate-intensity aerobic workout 4x/week. The American Heart Association recommends getting a total 150 minutes of exercise per week (ideally this is spread throughout the week).


  • Herbal Supplements: Herbal supplements can be a drug-free way to support your heart. There are many different herbs and combinations of herbs that can give great benefits to the cardiovascular system. Each herb has unique properties and uses and since each person is also unique we recommend that you talk to Dr. Maloof at your next appointment to find out if cardiovascular herbs may be right for you.

**Note: Please consult a healthcare provider for personalized advice regarding any medical condition and before starting a new treatment, taking any medication, over-the-counter drug, supplement or herbs. This article is not a substitute for medical advice and is intended for educational purposes only.


About Dr. Alison R Maloof, ND
Dr. Maloof is a Naturopathic Doctor practicing at Atlas Naturopathic Health Center, a family healthcare practice in Rockport.  Dr. Maloof believes in treating her patients with a holistic approach, mapping a unique treatment plan based on your needs. She utilizes both modern and traditional therapies. Some of her featured services include: personalized nutrition, botanical medicine, hydrotherapy, homeopathy and professional-grade supplements. Dr. Maloof treats many conditions including: immune support, tick-borne diseases, autoimmune disorders, GI disorders, anxiety/depression, chronic conditions, men & women’s health, and more.

Dr. Maloof is accepting new patients at Atlas Naturopathic Health Center. She offers complimentary 15-minute phone consults to see if naturopathic medicine is the right fit for your needs. Call or email us today to schedule.

For more information please visit https://www.atlasnaturopathic.com or call 207-466-9079.