CAMDEN — Camden’s…

CAMDEN — More than three hours were dedicated Tuesday evening, April 2, to a hearing on proposed new regulations governing short-term…

ROCKPORT — At a vote of 3 to 1, members of the Rockport Select Board chose not to appoint applicant Bob Hall to the town’s Zoning Board of Appeals for a term that would begin June 9. The decision…

CAMDEN — The Town of Camden wants hard data — not industry estimates — of how many property owners are using their homes as short term rentals; therefore, a proposed ordinance is to appear on the…

Members of the Rockport Select Board met March 8 and remained undecided as to whether or not an ordinance regulating short-term rentals in the municipality would be placed as a warrant article on…
We were relieved when the Rockport Select Board wisely voted 4-1 on February 8 to table the draft “Ordinance to Regulate Short-Term Rental Property” and not place it on the June ballot.
On February 8, the Rockport Select Board voted 4-1 to table the draft short term rental ordinance and not place it on the June 2021 ballot. Days later, 34 residents signed a petition seeking to…

UPDATE — In talking with Rockport citizen Doug Cole this morning, Feb. 22. he said it wasn’t a secret that he is one of the original creators of a petition to get the short-term rental ordinance…

In a Feb. 8 vote, members of the Rockport Select Board decided that a proposed ordinance that would regulate short term rentals in the municipality will not not appear on the June Town Meeting…
We started this process by scheduling the first resident workshop in September 2019. The workshop was scheduled because several Board members received repeated requests by residents to address the…
On January 11, I submitted to the Rockport Select Board a long letter outlining my concerns with how they have handed the issue of short-term rentals. In particular, I expressed my deep concern…

I’m offering my input into the new short-term rental ordinance in the town of Rockport based on my 15 years with the Rockport Fire Department as a volunteer and as a cofounder of the…

ROCKPORT — A timeline posted on the Town of Rockport website illustrates a series of hearings and public meetings that is to lead up to a proposed short-term rental ordinance appearing before…

ROCKPORT – At their Jan. 11 meeting, members of the Rockport Select Board were read a letter submitted by resident Stephen Bowen, who outlined concerns with how a proposed ordinance that would…
Let’s be clear about this. Short-Term Rentals (STRs) are businesses operating without regulation, usually within residential zones. That wouldn’t happen with other types of businesses, because…

On Dec. 14 members of the Rockport Select Board heard a presentation by architects and engineers engaged in designing a new West Rockport Fire Station which would, upon voter approval, replace the…

ROCKPORT — The Select Board will convene Monday evening, at 5:30 p.m., via Zoom for a meeting that includes a legislative bill to eliminate excise tax for Rockport’s 29 volunteer firefighters…

ROCKPORT — More than 20 members of the public offered comments or concerns at a Nov. 9 meeting of the Rockport Select Board over a draft ordinance that, if approved by voters, would impose…

ROCKPORT — This evening’s Select Board meeting, which was to be held at the Rockport Opera House in person, has now been relegated to Zoom, online only. To participate in the short-term rental…

ROCKPORT — A draft of an ordinance that would regulate short-term rentals in Rockport will be presented at a Select Board meeting on Nov. 9. After a lengthy discussion on the topic at their Oct.…
At the 2021 June Town Meeting, Rockport voters will be asked whether or not they…