Penobscot Bay Pilot’s wayback machine
Throwback Thursday
Thu, 06/19/2014 - 8:00am
Okay look closely at this one. What era and what town?
Great guess from “BB” on last week’s Throwback Thursday. “It's on Chestnut St. in Camden, you can see Mt. Battie and the French & Brawn building in the background. My guess: Ricardo Montalban signing an autograph in 1977. Don't know who the woman would be. He starred in Captain's Courageous in Camden and the movie rented Jim Sharp's schooner, painting it black for the film.”
So as not to reveal the photo, we’ll credit the photographer in next week’s TBT column.
Throwback Thursday needs your submissions. Send us your “back in the day” photos with a caption at
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