Sen. Curry introduces bill to improve EMS career pathways
AUGUSTA — Senator Chip Curry, a Democrat from Belfast, introduced legislation Wednesday to study and strengthen education and professional development for emergency medical services (EMS) personnel in Maine.
The proposal — LD 244, “Resolve, Directing Maine Emergency Medical Services to Convene a Stakeholder Group to Explore Emergency Medical Services Career Pathways and Educational Opportunities in the State.” — is based on a recommendation from the Blue Ribbon Commission to study Emergency Medical Services in the State. It aims to address workforce recruitment and retention of EMS professionals in Maine.
“EMS services are a critical link in our health care system, and the professionals that provide that care need our support,” said Sen. Curry. “The proposed stakeholder workgroup will be essential to strengthening the educational pathways and career development opportunities of our EMS professionals.”
The proposed workgroup will be composed of representatives from Maine EMS, the Maine Community College System, the University of Maine System, other public and private entities that provide EMS educational or training programs in the State, and individuals with relevant backgrounds and experiences in EMS education and training, according to a news release.
The workgroup would explore the barriers to EMS education and professional development to better design and coordinate Maine’s educational and training options.
LD 244 faces additional work sessions in the committee.