Rockport resident one of five new board of directors to Out Maine

Wed, 09/25/2019 - 2:00pm
MAINE —  OUT Maine welcomes five additions to its board of directors. The new members bring a broad spectrum of experience and wisdom, as well as geographic diversity across the state, according to OUT, in a news release.  
“We are thrilled with this new infusion of energy and support for Maine’s LGBTQ youth,” said Out.

Melissa Bellew is the CEO of the Penobscot Bay YMCA and also serves the Y on a national level as the Vice-Chair of the LGBTQ+ Resource Network. She lives in Rockport.

Jess Anderson, the director of The Leadership School at Kieve Wavus Education, lives in Dresden and brings with her a passion for teaching and learning and decades of experience working with youth. 
Maulian Dana is a Penobscot Nation Tribal Citizen and currently serves as their Tribal Ambassador to the Maine legislature. Her work has included advocating for LGBTQ and Two Spirit Maine citizens through her platform as Ambassador.
Ned Kane is a retired cross-functional non-profit executive who splits his time between Maine and Palm Springs, CA. Most recently, Kane was the Development and Operations Director at the American Civil Liberties Union of Maine. 
Danielle Twomey has been an active member of the Queer and Trans community for over forty years. She currently manages the Lab and QA Group for the Air Bureau, Maine Department of Environmental Protection and lives in Poland, Maine.
OUT Maine works toward a welcoming and affirming Maine for all rural young people of diverse sexual orientations, gender expressions and gender identities. In partnership with their allies and families, OUT Maine supports, educates and empowers these youth in their journey from adolescence to adulthood.