Retail store proposed for Drake Corner in Lincolnville
Gorill Palmer, a South Portland-based engineering consulting firm, has submitted on behalf of the North Carolina-based Primax Properties, a sketch plan for a proposed retail store at Drake Corner.
The lot, currently a field, is at the intersection of Thurlow and Beach roads, and is approximately 1.95 acres in size.
“The site consists of a large grassed/meadow area containing wetlands and a small, wooded area along Thurlow Road,” wrote Gorill Palmer, in the preapplication. “The lot is located within the General District according to the Town of Lincolnville’s Land Use Map.”
Commercial uses are permitted in the General District, “contingent upon Commercial Site Plan Review and approval by the Lincolnville Planning Board,” the application said.
The type of retail store has yet to be specified, despite inquiries to Gorrill Palmer and Primax Properties.
Primax Properties LLC, based in Charlotte, North Carolina, describes itself as a, “real estate development and investment company focused on repetitive retail and commercial projects, nationwide, for our end-user tenants.”
Its representative projects include a range of retail and restaurant chain businesses, such as Tractor Supply Company, Starbucks, Dollar General, Taco Bell, T.J. Maxx, West Marine, and more.
“Formed in 1995, Primax has completed over 900 projects in 36 states,” its website said.
The proposed Lincolnville store, if approved by the town’s Planning Board, Maine Department of Environmental Protection and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Tier 1 Natural Resources Protection Wetland Permit), would consist of more than 4,000 square feet of floor space, plus walkways, loading area, and parking for 32 vehicles.
With a store plus parking lot, the footprint is gauged at 10,640 square feet.
“The project design has focused on minimizing the amount of total impervious area on the property to keep impacts on the natural resources and buffers to a minimum,” the preapplication said.
The preapplication notes that the parking lot layout is designed, “to minimize impacts to the wetland on the western side of the site.”
Site analysis indicated no wetlands of special significance, as cited by Coppi Environmental, LLC on June 12, according to the application.
According to the National Association of Wetland Managers: “Unless ‘significant wetlands’ are involved, the DEP must process applications for projects that will affect less than 15,000 square feet of a wetland area within 30 days. For projects that will affect between 15,000 square feet and one acre of wetland area processing must be completed within 60 days.
Gorrill Palmer said development of the Lincolnville site is anticipated to impact less than 15,000 square feet of wetlands.
The meadow lot, however, lies in the Norton Pond watershed. Norton Pond is listed, the preapplication said, by the DEP: as “a lake most-at-risk from new development. Therefore, the stormwater management design will be required to meet the Basic and General Standards of the MaineDEP Chapter 500 Rules.”
Traffic generated by the retail store is anticipated to approximately 39 entrances and 40 exits at the peak hour, which would not trigger a traffic movement permit with the Maine Dept. of Transportation.
“Primary access to the site would be provided by a driveway on Beach Road with an entry, left turn, and right turn lanes,” the application said. “Accessing the site from Beach Road is preferable compared to Thurlow Road to reduce unnecessary wetland impacts. The entrance is anticipated to be located approximately 250 feet from the intersection of Beach and Thurlow Road.”
Lincolnville’s Planning Board meets on the second and last Wednesdays of the month at the Town Office. The meetings are televised on cable and can be viewed on Channel 22.
Reach Editorial Director Lynda Clancy at; 207-706-6657