Midcoast student’s real life hit-and-run story wins 1st Place in Arrive Alive Creative Contest
Continuing in a seven-year tradition, Design/Technology students at the Mid-Coast School of Technology won awards and prizes from the Arrive Alive Creative Contest hosted by the Law Offices of Joe Bornstein. The contest asks students to come up with a creative message about the dangers of drinking and driving and/or distracted driving.
This year, in the 17th year of the competition, four Mid-Coast students placed in the top 20.
In third place:
Dwayne Hunt, a programming and interactive media student, produced a video game that challenges players to think for themselves. In fact, playing the game like a game will most certainly lead to failure. The same can be said for living life like it’s a game.
Andi Hammond, a Graphic Design student, created a piece of 3D artwork by laser etching glass. The image was a recreation of a phone screen replete with small details, but notably featured a meme “Like this post or you will crash your car”. This glass was then shattered and reconstructed to give the appearance of a broken phone. Be sure to share it.
In second place:
John Comeau, a video production student, produced a short PSA that illustrated the courage it takes to tell a friend not to drive. John demonstrated some courage as well by attempting a project such as this amidst COVID. The party scene he envisioned could not be filmed conventionally, so he utilized green screen to composite characters into the same frame.
In first place:
Emily Miller, a graphic designer and illustrator created a comic book chronicling her real-life story. Emily was a victim of a hit-and-run in the summer of 2019 in Washington.
“Emily has not only demonstrated amazing resolve and strength recovering from the physical and emotional trauma but has used her exceptional illustration skills to share this personal story,” said MCST, in a news release. “Its genuine message will hopefully help heal and educate others.”
Click on the attachment to the right to view all six pages of Emily’s work.
All entries can be viewed online at www.arrivealivecreativecontest.com
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