Meet roller derby queen: Hedda Flame
Not everybody has the guts and drive to make it in the sport of roller derby. Welcome to the fierce and fab ladies who live, work and play within our Midcoast community.
Skater Profile: Hedda Flame
Real name: Brionna Barton
Tell us about your derby name: It is hard to be original when so many names are taken. I was writing down words and liked the name Hedda, from Hedda Gabler, and so at one point it just came...Hedda Flame. It is fitting for many reasons.
Age: 29
Current town and hometown: Rockland and Mars Hill
Occupation: Aspiring entrepreneur and gardener/landscaper and occasional bartender/server.
How long have you been skating?: About one year 10 months—not much previous experience except for the roller rink in middle school.
Why derby?: I tried it because it sounded fun and now I'm completely hooked. It's more than fun—it has become a passion.
What's been the most challenging aspect of derby so far? What's your Achille's heel, so to speak?: Every aspect of derby has been challenging, but the hardest challenge for me is watching teammates come and go. Competitive roller derby has a level of commitment that just isn't possible for many people. People move, have babies, get injured, decide it isn't right, need a break, etc. and that change in dynamics is hard on the team. I find it extremely difficult to adjust to. It is inevitable, however, so I'm learning.
Most fun and rewarding part of derby: The actual playing in a bout is of course the MOST fun and rewarding, but the fans are pretty rad. There's nothing like a 10-year-old boy looking at you with excitement and saying, 'You're awesome!'
Other sports/hobbies/interests: Gardening, dancing, eating, cooking, karaoke, outdoor adventures, playing games (any game, I love all games).
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Rock Coast Rollers is a diverse group of women dedicated to advancing and advocating for the sport of roller derby, women, their league and their community. RCR aims to be a skater-owned, nonprofit business under the Women's Flat Track Derby Association, based in Rockland. For more information visit
Kay Stephens can be reached at
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