Knox County Commissioners give Spirit of America awards to town volunteers

Wed, 05/17/2023 - 9:15pm

    ROCKLAND – The Knox County Commission, at the start of its regular session May 9 at the Knox County Courthouse handed out Spirit of America awards.

    Knox County Administrator Andrew Hart said this was the first year in the past three that they had been able to give the awards in-person.

    “Two years we did it remotely and one year we just mailed out certificates,” he said. “So it’s nice to be able to do it with people actually here.”

    Those in attendance were:

    * Sea Level Rise Committee (Town of Vinalhaven).

    *Ben Larner (Town of Appleton).

    * Barbara Fang (Town of Union).

    *Town of Warren (All town employees).

    *Charlene Benner (Town of Cushing).

    * Kathryn DerMarderosian (Town of Owls Head).

    * Angela Stevens & Travis Perez (Town of Washington).

    *David & Bonnie Percival (Town of St. George). Not able to attend.

    Hart then read what each individual town wrote about their award recipient.

    Town of Appleton: Ben Larner

    “The Appleton Select Board voted unanimously to nominate Ben Larner as the Town of Appleton’s Spirit of America Recipient. Ben’s commitment to the fire department, the library, the town office, and to all Appleton residents in need of his expertise is exemplary, and shows some are never too busy to help their neighbor and community.

    The Appleton Select Board is deeply grateful for all of his efforts in the name of building a stronger, more united community, where neighbor helps neighbor and works toward the safety and betterment of all.

    Thank you, Ben, for being a leader and tireless giving to those in need.”

    Town of Cushing: Charlene Benner

    “Charlene has volunteered for the rescue squad since 1977. She has been on the squad longer than any member. Prior to Cushing purchasing an ambulance in 1979, she and the other members would respond to calls without an ambulance. She received training as an EMT while bringing up her family. She has been a leader of the department twice and is currently acting as Assistant Director.”

    Town of Owls Head: Kathryn DerMarderosian

    “The 2022 Owls Head Maine Spirit of America Foundation Tribute is honoring Kathryn DerMarderosian for her commendable service to the Owls Head Community in her role as chair of the Conservation Commission of Owls Head for many years. Kathryn is the heart and soul of the Conservation Commission. She is always willing to step forward in doing the research to improve the beauty of Owls Head.

    Kathryn organized the fundraising efforts to purchase the land off North Shore Drive to expand the Plaisted Preserve. By doing so, this will keep that land a preserved spot for future generations to enjoy. In gratitude and sincere appreciation, Kathryn DerMarderosian is hereby recognized for her exemplary citizenship, leadership and achievements in our community with the 2022 Owls Head Spirit of America Foundation”

    Town of St. George: Bonnie and David Percival

    “Bonnie and David epitomize the spirit of community service which goes to make St. George special. From the moment they became full-time residents in Tenants Harbor in 1997, they immediately became involved in several local groups and organizations. For over 15 years Bonnie coordinated the volunteers at the Jackson Memorial Library, and still continues now as a volunteer behind the Front Desk. Bonnie also is a familiar face at election time, when she volunteers as an Election Clerk.

    David has volunteered at the Marshall Point Lighthouse for more than 20 years, and for many of these years coordinated the volunteers there. Since 2017 David has served as an active member of the Budget Committee. Both Bonnie and David are volunteers on the town’s Shelter Committee. Bonnie and David – thank you for your many years of cheerful service to our town.”

    Town of Union: Barbara Fang

    “The 2022 Union, Maine Spirit of America Foundation Tribute honors Barbara for commendable community service. Barbara has served on the Scholarship Committee, including several years as Chair, for over 20 years, and she has served as an election/ballot clerk for numerous elections. Barbara has been active volunteering at the Vose Library since1992, including serving on the Board of Trustees, and leading a book group. She has also been actively involved in her church.

    Barbara Fang is hereby recognized for her great achievements and honors that she has brought upon their community with the 2022 Union Spirit of America Foundation Tribute. A copy of the resolution be appropriately framed and presented to Barbara Fang for appropriate display.”

    Town of Vinalhaven: Vinalhaven Sea Rise Committee

    “Vinalhaven Sea Rise Committee explored impacts of sea level rise on the island. The committee was very conscientious in its approach, worked hard at the task, and came back to the Selectmen with specific recommendations.”

    Town of Warren: All Town Employees

    “The Town of Warren Employees had to think outside of the box during the pandemic. They rose to the event and took charge in an unprecedented time. They accommodated residents with a smile, compassion and understanding. The Employees worked as a team and helped each other endure and overcome obstacles in everyday tasks. The caring they showed during the pandemic is still very much present in the atmosphere of today.”

    Town of Washington: Angela Stevens and Travis Perez

    “Though they are a team you rarely see them together as they are generally working on separate projects throughout town. They run a business that has them doing many different jobs from carpentry, plowing, house/animal sitting to custodial. Other than the business, they also help their neighbors when they get in trouble. For instance, helping someone’s son get his car out of a ditch when his GPS took him off road; herding escaped animals back to their pen, and helping with the “little things” for a sick neighbor.

    Both have been on the Recreation Committee, and Travis still is. They have a great sense of humor and are fun to speak with. The Spirit of America Award goes to Angela Stevens and Travis Perez.

    Thank you, Angela and Travis.”

    Recipients were then given their certificates and given a congratulatory handshake with each of the county commissioners.