It’s Genius I Tell You... Genius!
CAMDEN – The Camden International Film Festival is about to hit the town in a little over a week and one of the coolest parts of its website is an interactive feature known as Festival Genius. For those of you who are interested in seeing what’s playing before the schedule comes out, this Festival Genius givesa rundown of the 2012 CIFF films, allowing you to see thumbnail photos, one-liner descriptions of each film and even preview clips. With a savvy understanding of social media, CIFF knows that people will see certain films based on what their friends are also planning to see. Here, prescreening buzz is gold. Therefore, Festival Genius allows you to see the most anticipated short films by their highest rated category, how many people are viewing information on a film and how many have added it to their calendar.
Like a shopping cart, you can make your own list of films to see through the “My Festival” button. The “add to your calendar” feature is easily accessed by linking through your Facebook account or by signing up. You can then print your own customized schedule, or even share each individual film with a friend.
Check out this Genius feature and let us know at The Pen Bay Pilot's Facebook page, which film you are really looking forward to and why (1-2 sentences). We may feature you in a story.
Stay tuned for live coverage from The Pen Bay Pilot during Camden International Film Festival Weekend!
For more on the Camden International Film Festival visit:
To access the Festival Genius feature visit:
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