Hope Library adds Tuesday curbside pickup

Mon, 06/29/2020 - 7:00pm
    HOPE — The Hope Library is now offering curbside pickup during the following hours: Tuesdays and Fridays, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.  Requests should be made by email: hope@hope.lib.me.us 
    The library remains closed to the public and patrons are asked to search our online catalog to determine if the library has the requested items. First time users will be prompted to type in "Hope Library." No password is necessary.
    This link can be used - https://bit.ly/2XIc91T - or patrons can head over to the Hope Library website hope.lib.me.us and use the Library Catalog button on the page and follow the instructions.
    At the curbside pickup, there will be a box for pickups, with requested materials in paper bags marked with patrons' names. There will be a second box for materials to be returned to the library. Before they are placed back in circulation, materials returned to the library will be quarantined in line with recommendations from the Maine State Library.  The Tuesday/Friday schedule allows the library to maintain the quarantine timetable.
    The Hope Library, at 443 Camden Road (the town office building), is an all-volunteer operation and remains closed to the public. All inquiries can be sent by email to hope@hope.lib.me.us.