Funny, sassy, cool, confident writers sought for author performance/book compilation
CAMDEN—This summer, Eva Morris better known by her “Road Babe” book series, is keen on getting a number of dynamic writers together to put on an author performance in mid-September. In addition, all of the entries will be published in a compilation, which will be released at the event for a book signing.
Morris, author of eight books, is calling the Maine event BestLit Review.
“I’ve done this event before and my most recent event was in Memphis for all female writers, which we called Red Hot Chick Lit Review and the mix was fabulous,” she said. “Ten diverse finalists read their pieces to the crowd: Young, old, all races, professors, students, professional and green talent, but all accomplished voices. They presented their stories so well it brought tears to people’s eyes. At the same time, they were all published in ‘Red Hot ChickLit Review,’ which was released at the event, for signing. That compilation, released locally, sold out of a good first print in three months. One really talented short story writer earned a book deal from this experience and nearly all went on to write further stories, which were better, because of what we'd done together.”
Morris was inspired to come to Camden this summer and host a similar event, opening it up to both male and female writers with the same diversity.
“There are so many great Maine writers up here and I wanted to open it up to everybody,” she said.
The way the process works is writers may submit a cover letter and the piece of writing, that, when read aloud, comes in under 10 minutes. All entries will be evaluated. Morris will meet in person with each finalist to work with him or her on the performance of the piece. Morris is offering free, informal workshops on presentation at Camden Public Library and all participants may attend. A venue will be determined in mid-September once the best 10 writers have been chosen.
Morris said she’s looking for entries of primarily short stories and essays.
“Poetry doesn’t work so well in this type of setting,” she said. “I’m looking for writing that is funny, sassy, cool and confident. I don’t care what it is; I just want to see passion come off the person reading his or her work. There are a lot of authors currently working on a book and I am also interested in a short chapter from that whether they are published or are still seeking representation.”
Eva Morris was first discovered by Barney Rossett, a legendary publisher, who published Morris’ first anthology (Blue Moon Books, 2000) called “Road Babe!” Morris was then featured in Simon & Schuster’s Best American Erotica. Morris was the last person commissioned to interview author Hunter S. Thompson, who personally requested her to visit him in Aspen one year prior to his death. This past June, she gave a presentation “Ode to Hunter S. Thompson” to the Camden Public Library featuring excerpts from his final interview.
To participate in BestLit Review, send your story or essay with a cover letter to: Eva Morris BestLit Review, P.O. 6 Camden, Maine 04843. For any questions call (772)-217-7070.
Kay Stephens can be reached at
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