Waterfall Arts is all about the glitter, sparkle, flicker and glow Nov. 13

Cheap Dates: Glow Show is the ultimate black light party

Wed, 11/11/2015 - 12:00pm

    BELFAST—Ah Daylight Savings in Maine. At 4 p.m., the sun’s down, it feels like dinner time and by 8:00 p.m. everybody’s like “is it bed time yet? It feels like freakin’ midnight!”

    For the third year, Waterfall Arts is putting on an all-ages quirky event called The Glow Show as a way to light up winter’s darkness.  it’s part hands-on art installation, part black light party.

    Waterfall Arts founder Lorna Crichton credits event coordinator Bridget Matros for the concept. “She just likes anything that’s glow in the dark,” said Crichton. “She’s made quite a few pieces of artwork that will light up when black lights hit it.”

    The most popular components of previous Glow Shows will be included, for example: a beverage bar of illuminated seltzer, sand drawing on a light table, a collaborative psychedelic mandala coloring under black light, and of course, more Lite Brites than you can shake a glow stick at. In addition, Matros has been working with young artists to round out the event with hidden illuminated worlds, backlit paper cuttings, black light posters, lit dioramas and other works.

    Matros is bringing back an intense look she accidentally created for the event last year when she made Play-Doh with glow pigments. “We were disappointed by a bunch of stuff we made using expensive glow pigments, like our ‘galaxy dough,’” she said. “Then,  while we were cleaning up some dropped under the table and it was glowing like crazy!”

    The event takes place in the basement of Waterfall Arts. Kids and families will be showing up at 7 p.m., but for “grown up” kids, who want to cut loose and play, you might want to show up after 8 p.m. as there are still lots of surprises in store, including a rumored performance piece on the stage, which could be anything from shadow puppetry to a Daft Punk-style dance routine. The event goes to 10 p.m.

    The Glow Shows of the past have not been short on the "wow factor." Last year, about 100 attended and the refrain, "This is AWESOME!!" was heard again and again throughout the night.

    And the price is totally right for Cheap Dates! Tickets at the door are $3 (any additional donations are welcome!). Waterfall Arts is located at 256 High Street in Belfast. For more info visit: visit www.waterfallarts.org

    Kay Stephens can be reached at news@penbaypilot.com