CAMDEN – On Nov. 7, Camden voters approved town-wide zoning changes to encourage housing development and approved new regulations for structures including piers and land-attached floats in the outer harbor. Changes to the Town Charter relating to the budget process were approved.
Voters also approved the $1.9 million SAD 28 (K-8 schools) bond issue for replacement of heating and cooling systems at the elementary school, due to failure of the existing geothermal system.
To view the full text of the municipal ballot, click here.
Town of Camden ballot
Article 2: Changes to local zoning mandated by 2022 State legislation to increase housing density and affordable housing opportunities.
Yes: 1,723
No: 460
Article 3: Amend the Harbor and Waterways Ordinance with new requirements for existing piers that require significant repair or replacement due to damage.
The requirements call for raising piers to eight feet above mean-high water, if practicable, and structural reinforcement to mitigate risk from sea level rise. The ordinance amendments also call for design that allows piers to be raised in the future “to mitigate increased risk of sea-level rise.”
Yes: 1,835
No: 327
Article 4: Amend zoning to add regulation of land-attached floats in Camden Harbor, including a required permit for any associated moorings or structures.
Yes: 1,802
No: 313
Article 5 Amend the Town Charter to: create consistency with a prior Charter Amendment that changed Budget Committee member selection to appointment by the Select Board; change how the Select Board meets and deliberates on the town budget to align with existing procedures for Town Meeting warrant and public hearings; and clarify that the ballot for the annual budget will show both Select Board and Budget Committee recommendations on expenses and revenues, and that voters will be asked to adopt the Select Board’s recommendations. Another change removes mention of the town’s Endowment Fund as this conflicts with how the Endowment Funds are managed as specified in Trust documents.
Yes: 1,726
No: 323
School Administrative District 28 (K-8 schools) bond issue
Do you favor authorizing the School Board of Maine School Administrative District 28 to issue bonds or notes in the name of the District for capital purposes in an amount not to exceed $1.9 million for the purpose of designing and installing a heating and cooling systems to replace the failed geothermal system at the Camden Rockport Elementary School?”
Yes: 1,780
No: 417