Belfast Lions and BAHS Lions working together
At a recent Friday home football game, the Belfast Lions Club made a donation to the RSU 71 School District's capital campaign to rebuild the Belfast Area High School athletic fields and facilities.
"BAHS and the Lions club have long had a symbiotic relation, the Lions have operated their French fries and Dough Boys stand at home football games for several seasons," said Charles Lagerbom, in a news release.
The Belfast Lions Club annually also awards three scholarships to graduating BAHS seniors and hosts the graduated seniors to a breakfast upon their return from Project Graduation. The club has also purchased a vision scanner for the district nurses, AEDs for the schools and a BAHS mascot uniform. They also host and help the BAHS Peer Leader LEOs as a high school component to their community service organization.
"Belfast Lions are happy to help with this major capital improvement project for the school," said Lagerbom.
To learn more about Belfast Lions visit them on Facebook or their online website.