Belfast high school students apply maritime archeology skills to old shipwreck

Fri, 11/12/2021 - 1:30pm

BELFAST — Students in the Belfast Area High School Marine Studies Class spent time in late October and early November investigating an old intertidal shipwreck on the Passagassawakeag River, measuring the vessels’ planks, submerged at high tide and covered in seaweed.

With a focus on maritime archaeology, students conducted an in-depth analysis for their required scale drawing of the vessel.

To that goal, students needed to accurately measure the length, width and thickness of timbers, futtocks and keel pieces of the vessel while also noting any iron spikes or hardware, saw marks or wooden trunnels.

Various artifacts were also collected to be cleaned and analyzed back at the school as to their association or not with the vessel. Students were tasked with developing and testing hypotheses regarding the kind of vessel, its use, its age, and its fate. They will all also prepare a detailed scaled map of the site and a site report.

BAHS Marine Studies instructors are Lisa White, Dave Thomas and Chip Lagerbom.