In the age of COVID-19, South Thomaston honors one of its own

Sat, 05/02/2020 - 2:45pm

    This was to be the year of the big celebration for Chuck Hartman’s 90th birthday.

    His family had planned a “Big Bash” at the Samoset Resort for all the friends and family of this amazing gentleman, who with his wife, Jan, began and has maintained the Wessaweskeag Historical Society for over 30 years and has worked tirelessly with the Local Lions Club for as long. 

    COVID-19 took care of that.

    Not to let this time pass, his friends and neighbors, Dean Reed and Pennie Alley, organized a birthday parade complete with balloons, a birthday banner, and lots of well wishers!

    Cars snaked across the Keag River bridge so all could come wish him a happy birthday as he waited in his car at the town library.

    Horns honked, flags waved, and everyone had a chance to wish him well...even Sophie, the dog!