Sam Calagione at Brady’s for “Battle of the Breweries”

Tue, 02/08/2022 - 9:15am

That’s right! Dogfish Head Brewing Company founder Sam Calagione will be participating in the 1st ever “Battle of the Breweries” at Brady’s.  This will be an epic event pitting breweries beers and their singing abilities against each other. Shipayard, Cushnoc, Funky Bow, (Let’s make a scene Paul Lorraine will be on hand!), Baxter, Sebago, Footbridge, and Boothbay Craft Brewery will on be there to belt out a tune and showcase their favorite beers. 

Parking will be available on street Townsand Ave and at all other municipal lots!!

Don’t miss this one!  Saturday 2/12 from 2-5 only at Brady’s