
Citizens in five Waldo County towns will be asked to vote on a proposal to create a fiber broadband connection for every home. This month, the towns are holding informational meetings in advance…

ROCKLAND – Short, sweet and right to the point describes the May 17 joint session via Zoom of the Knox County Commissioners and the Knox County Budget Committee, marking the public hearing and…

Budget committee, commissioners agree on everything

ROCKLAND – Knox County Commissioners and the Knox County Budget Committee met via  Zoom April 28 to again deliberate on how to spend $7.2 million in American Rescue Plan Act directed to the county…

ROCKLAND – The Knox County Budget Committee and the Knox County Commissioners again met in a Zoom meeting on March 3 to discuss American Rescue Plan Act request for funds from municipalities and…

$12 million in requests for $7.7 million available funds

ROCKLAND – Again, the Knox County Budget Committee met in joint session with Knox County Commissioners Thursday, February 3, via Zoom, to figure out how to spend the $7.7 million in American…

ROCKLAND – Knox County Commissioners and the county’s Budget Committee met via Zoom on Thursday, January 20, in a joint session designed…

Jan. 20 meeting

ROCKLAND — Thomaston wants money for its sewer system; Appleton, for its fire water treatment and broadband. Washington and Cushing want money for food pantries, as well as broadband and a town…

‘As your commissioners, we want to say publicly that we have heard you’

ROCKLAND – The regularly scheduled meeting of the Knox County Commissioners got underway on Tuesday, November 9, in chambers of the Knox County Courthouse. Commissioner Sharyn Pohlman was absent…

Consider $9.2 million county budget

ROCKLAND — The three Knox County Commissioners are to convene Tuesday, November 9, in the County Administrative Offices at the county courthouse for a day, and evening’s worth of business. At the…


While we appreciate Knox County Commissioner Meriwether’s calmer tone on broadband (…

Camden Select Board approves sending joint letter with Thomaston

MIDCOAST — The tense and acrimonious energy at play during an Oct. 12 meeting of the Knox County Commissioners Meeting continues to reverberate throughout various Midcoast municipalities, with…

‘Elected officials are by definition required to listen and not react on an emotional level’

CAMDEN and THOMASTON — The Camden Select Board will consider this evening at a regularly scheduled meeting the possibility of sending a strong letter to the Knox County Commissioners, rebuking…

ROCKLAND – Knox County Commissioner Dorothy Meriwether leveled charges of “bullying” against members of the Midcoast Internet Coalition and called their actions, “disheartening.” She further said…

ROCKPORT — The Rockport Select Board approved Aug. 30 an ARPA application requesting $750,000 from the Knox County Commissioners for the…

Request $750,000 from county for broadband internet project

The Rockport Select Board approved four articles Aug. 30 that will be placed before voters on the November 2021 ballot. They include taxpayer approval of funds to continue efforts redeveloping the…

NORTHPORT — While talk of increasing broadband internet capacity to homes and businesses in Midcoast Maine is a high 2021 priority in many towns, a Northport resident decided not to wait, and has…