AUGUSTA — At its Jan. 8 meeting,…

After Rockport submitted an…

ROCKPORT — At its regularly scheduled Nov. 12 meeting, the Rockport Select Board approved a Samoset Resort sewer fee abatement, heard about the town’s requirement to produce another report to the…

Camden voters will consider at the June Town Meeting polls whether to further expand EMS capacity of their fire department. This entails…
ROCKLAND – Knox County Commissioners during their regular session in chambers February 13 at the Knox County Courthouse, appointed Gordon Page, Sr., of Owls Head, as interim administrator for Knox…

LINCOLNVILLE — Following last month’s voter approval of a…

Early one cold winter morning, three LifeFlight helicopters were positioned simultaneously on the tarmac at Pen Bay Medical Center in Rockport. While unusual for a small community hospital to have…
CAMDEN — On Friday, Jan. 6, North East Mobile Health was already busy on a call in Lincolnville when another medical issue presented in Camden. When Rockland EMS couldn’t take the call, Thomaston…

BELFAST and ROCKPORT — Pen Bay Medical Center and Waldo County General Hospital are contracting with a second ambulance service,…

Two years ago, area fire chiefs broached the idea of establishing a regional, and municipally-run, ambulance service. Concerns over efficiencies with the existing privately-owned service had…

CAMDEN — With endorsement from the Camden Select Board, at least eight of the town’s firefighters will be spending the winter and spring learning how to assess trauma injuries and administer…
CAMDEN — Camden, Hope, Lincolnville and Rockport town administrators and managers sat for an hour in the office of Audra Caler-Bell this morning, Aug. 27, discussing how to proceed with issues…

For over a decade, North East Mobile Health Services (NEMHS) has been a mainstay in the communities of Camden, Rockport, Hope, and Lincolnville. Over these years, we have employed dozens of…

CAMDEN — Informally and without any official votes, the Camden Select Board, its town manager and fire chief nonetheless agreed July 30 that the town is worried about the capacity of current…

ROCKPORT — On May 28, members of the Rockport Select Board authorized Town Manager Rick Bates to sign an agreement with North East Mobile Health Services to provide emergency medical service to…

ROCKPORT — On March 11, fire chiefs from Rockport, Camden and Rockland presented the Rockport Select Board with a concept which may offer the municipality an improved emergency response system in…

CAMDEN — Fire chiefs and municipal managers in five Midcoast municipalities have talked about forming a regional community-owned ambulance service, and are now ready to take the idea before…
ROCKLAND – Neighboring towns whose sick and injured call for an ambulance and find Rockland medical responders at their door will soon see a significant increase in the fees.
On Monday,…

CAMDEN — Voting unanimously, the Camden Select Board agreed Aug. 5 to enter into negotiations with North East Mobile Health Services (NEMHS) to purchase the…

CAMDEN — Julia Libby, Camden First Aid Association's service chief, said June 10, that she would renegotiate the cost of doing business with Camden, Hope, Lincolnville and Rockport, should floor…

CAMDEN — Key advice has been handed to a group of town leaders tasked with reviewing competing emergency medical service proposals: Figure out how EMS can serve communities in other ways besides…

HOPE — As Hope selectmen carefully combed through the town's proposed 2013-2014 municipal budget, they found preliminary concensus March 12 with each other and Camden First Aid Association,…