Lincolnville to vote on town charter amendments
LINCOLNVILLE — Voters in Lincolnville will see one municipal warrant question on their Nov. 6 ballots relating to the tasks of the Lincolnville town administrator and budget committee.
The question reads: Shall the Town of Lincolnville approve the Charter amendments printed below?
The proposal to amend Article IV, Section 4.02 (Power and Duties of the Town Administrator) will call for the town administrator to act as purchasing agent for all departments of the Town, except the School Department, and submit to competitive bids any transactions involving more than $8,000 instead of the current amount of more than $2,000.
The proposal to amend Article VII, Section 7.02 (Budget Committee) will call for the Budget Committee to meet and elect a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and Secretary at the first Committee meeting following the annual town meeting. Presently, those positions are elected during August of each year.
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