Whence the Hutch future?
In my former position as Curator of Penoboscot Marine Museum, for years I had been hanging exhibits and attending and delivering programs at the Hutchinson Center. I was saddened to see it close a few years ago. Hence I’ve been following the discussion about its future and the decisions by the University of Maine with considerable interest.
In reading the details of the FHCSC/WA appeal and press release about it, I see that the appeal is based on how the University’s RFP evaluation procedure and its handling of the appeal.
The appellants miss the major point. The University states in support of their award: "The university cannot discriminate, including on the basis of religion. Doing so would be against the law and inconsistent with the university’s commitment to inclusion."
With their award they are doing so. What about the people who would feel uncomfortable, nay feel discrimination or hypocritial about going into or using a religion-based facility? Because of this award, there will be many who, because of their beliefs, would not set foot in the facility.
The University’s decision is flouting its policy. By awarding the Center to a religious organization for use as its place of worship and school it is a defacto endorsement. It is discriminating against potential users who are not of that faith or who are not practicing a religion.
How the University arrived at its decision is really irrelevant in the face of its violating its own principle and policy. In making their award they are ignoring “the university’s commitment to inclusion.”
Ben Fuller lives in Cushing