BANGOR — In a Jan. 10…

BELFAST — On Dec. 2, UMaine…

The University of Maine has selected a new buyer for the Hutchinson Center following a repeat of a request for proposals in October.
Waldo Community Action Partners plans…

ORONO – A new competitive request for proposals (RFP) to buy the University of Maine (UMaine) Hutchinson Center in Belfast has been issued.
Respondents will be required…

In a Sept. 26 news release, the University of Maine said it will issue next week a new competitive request for proposals to purchase the Hutchinson Center in Belfast.
This follows a…
I am writing this letter in support of the University of Maine System’s decision to award the Hutchinson Center RFP to Calvary Chapel Belfast, and in opposition of the September 12, 2024…

BELFAST — In a letter sent to Hugh Townsend, Co-Chair of the Future of the Hutchinson Center Steering Committee, the University of Maine…

On September 3, the Future of the Hutchinson Center Steering Committee/Waterfall Arts (FHC-WA) submitted a second appeal to the University of Maine regarding the University’s…
In my former position as Curator of Penoboscot Marine Museum, for years I had been hanging exhibits and attending and delivering programs…

Last week, the University of Maine said it was sticking with its decision to sell the Hutchinson Center to Calvary Hope Belfast church,…
It was with profound sadness and distress that I read this article in your paper of the likely transaction of selling the Hutchinson Center to a Christian fundamentalist sect that rejects solid…

BELFAST — A group of Midcoast residents organized as the Future of the Hutchinson Center Steering Committee/Waterfall Arts (FHC-WA) are…

BELFAST — A letter was sent just before 6 p.m. Aug. 14 to at least one organization that was bidding on ownership of the Hutchinson…

At their regular meeting July 15 in Orono, the University of Maine System Board of Trustees voted unanimously to allow the University of Maine to sell the Frederick Hutchinson Center in…

In the last three weeks the following events have reinforced for us the importance of citizen action in creating cultural and educational…

Nearly two decades ago, the Frederick Hutchinson Center (FHC) in Belfast was generously gifted to the University of Maine by the Bank of America following its purchase of the building from MBNA…

On Feb. 5, the Belfast-based Future of the Hutchinson Center Steering Committee submitted a proposal to the University of Maine in response to UMaine’s Request for Proposals.
UMaine issued…

BELFAST — The University of Maine is extending the proposals deadline for the repurposing of the Hutchinson Center in Belfast by nearly two months.
In response to…

Everyone loves a surprise, well at least most surprises. Twenty-three years ago, a welcome surprise to the Belfast and Waldo County…

Sen. Chip Curry, D-Belfast, has submitted legislation to transfer ownership of the University of Maine’s Hutchinson Center to the city of Belfast. The legislation comes in the wake of the…

BELFAST — A committee of citizens with longtime ties to the Hutchinson Center, an educational campus in Belfast built with philanthropic…

BELFAST – Last summer, the University of Maine, based on its Orono campus, abruptly announced that it was…

What is deeply flawed with the recent announcement by the University of Maine? Just 23 years after a visionary gift to Belfast, Maine, and the University of Maine the primary beneficiary of the…