"Where Does Camden Stand on Climate Action?" panel discussion, Dec. 7

Event has passed

    CAMDEN — The Camden Public Library will host a panel discussion titled “Where Does Camden Stand on Climate Action?” on Thursday, Dec. 7, at 6:30 p.m., in the Picker Room and on Zoom. This event discussion will provide insight into Camden’s climate action and is in the second of the Camden Talks Climate series co-sponsored by the town and CamdenCAN (ClimateActionNow). 

    Panelists will include Watershed School activists, Sarah Miller, Jeremy Martin, and Dave St. Laurent, among others.
    This is a hybrid event and will take place in the Picker Room and on Zoom. To find the Zoom registration link to attend virtually, visit the “What’s Happening” adult events calendar at librarycamden.org, or click here for the Zoom registration link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Oo1Dosj5TmyFmCEOy0wkEg
    The panel will begin with Janet McMahon and Alex Facq, who will give the background on the Watershed School’s investigation of climate change and the push to have Camden become the first Maine community to sign on the Global Covenant of Mayors. They’ll discuss the importance of climate education in local schools as well as explore how a green house gas inventory is conducted.
    Sarah Miller, a Camden resident who sat on the (now defunct) Energy Committee, will then report on their initiatives, progress, and the inevitable setbacks.
    Jeremy Martin, Camden’s Planning and Development Director, will follow with an update on the changes made to public buildings (the Siemens projects) and other municipal efforts including the town solar array.
    Dave St. Laurent, the town’s Public Works Director, will discuss flood resiliency (storm and water level management) and other initiatives.

    Other participants will provide updates on data for EVs, heat pumps, and solar panel installations in town.

    CamdenCAN (ClimateActionNow) is a citizen-led organization committed to reducing Camden’s contribution to climate change through local action, education, advocacy, and resources. We help our community take advantage of climate solutions with actionable steps. Together we CAN make a difference.

    Event Date: 

    Thu, 12/07/2023 - 6:30pm

    Event Location: 

    Camden Public Library and Zoom


    Camden Public Library
    Camden, ME 04843
    United States