Troop 200 celebrated annual Scout Sunday, March 17

Fri, 03/22/2024 - 5:00pm

CAMDEN — During a recent worship service at the First Congregational Church of Camden, United Church of Christ, congregants learned more about Scouting and local Scouts learned more about the church and both learned more about faith. Scouts from Pack and Troop 200 celebrated the annual Scout Sunday at the church during Sunday worship service on March 17. The church is the chartered partner for the two Scouting groups.

“No matter who you are, no matter where you are from, no matter what you are dealing with on this particular day, you are welcome here,” said Associate Minister Rev. Patty Fox adding that the UCC church embraces all people “which I know is also true of the Boy Scouts of America.”

The Scouts then led many aspects of the worship service. Rev. Fox considered their partnership with Scouting a part of the church's youth ministry and outreach. 

"When Troop 200 goes hiking, it is inevitable that some will hike slower or faster than others," Scoutmaster Ed Weber said from the pulpit. "We have a hard and fast rule, which is that if you are at the front of the group, you stop whenever you reach a fork in the trail. That ensures we are all on the same trail, and no one gets lost or left behind. We will often check the map to make sure we make the correct turn. It gives us time to drink some water, catch our breath, and, if necessary, redistribute gear. We watch out for one another, and we encourage those who are struggling. Our faith can be like that. Perhaps you have had times when your faith was lagging, and someone gave you a boost at just the right time. Even better, you have probably also given someone a boost along the trail….Sometimes faith can seem like the harder path. Sometimes it feels like what we see around us calls into question the existence of a God. We see wars around the world. We see an environment increasingly pushed to limits because of human impact on the planet. We see politicians and world leaders make absurd claims and accusations. Perhaps we are in the dark. Perhaps we can’t see the next blaze on the rock or tree ahead. Maybe we don’t know where we are on our trail. However, we can look at our map. We can find Polaris. Our faith may not tell us where we will end up, but it will ensure we are at least headed in the right direction…. What is important is the journey we take along the way. It is important that we help one another. It is important that we try to do our best to leave the world better than we found it. And it is important that we keep our eyes and feet, our hearts and minds, moving in the direction of faith."

Vicki Doudera, of Camden, was a Girl Scout and active in Scouting for many years said, "My love of service started in the Scouts. I think it is particularly important that you are here today. That is what Scouting is all about."

She encouraged the Scouts to come back to the church often and take part in the programs and in that way continue to provide service to the community.