Letter to the editor: We’re voting for Sen. Dave Miramant

Tue, 10/25/2016 - 4:30pm
One of most valuable aspects of life in Maine is that we can get to know our neighbors, the people we do business with and the people who represent us in public office. We have known Senator Dave Miramant as a friend and neighbor for all 26 years that we have lived in Camden. Dave and I served together on the Camden Selectboard and Greg and I have been Dave's campaign treasurers through several election cycles. We understand and highly value Dave’s approach to being in elected office: he is there to serve his constituents and by extension, the state of Maine.
We believe Dave is unique in that he does not bring his ego to the job. He listens intently and engages in civil discussion with all of his constituents, regardless of party. He is genuinely invested in finding solutions that will serve the largest number of Mainers. Dave brings tremendous energy and positivity to his personal and public life, and is eager to interact and support his friends and neighbors. Whether it's fundraising for our much loved local mechanic who battled cancer or driving around on snowy mornings plowing driveways, Dave is always attentive to how he can make the lives of those around him work better. We see Dave's work in the Maine Senate as transcending party affiliation and truly being in the best interest of Maine. He is knowledgeable and collaborative, and is representing Knox county very effectively. We believe he should continue to serve in the Maine Senate and we hope you will join us in casting your vote for Senator Dave Miramant this November 8.
Susan and Greg Dorr live in Camden