As the planet continues its million-plus year slow-down....

Bill Packard: Beware the June 30 leap second

Sat, 06/27/2015 - 10:30pm

I try. I really do. There’s so much negativity and things to worry about, that I constantly focus on positive things just to try to stay ahead of it, but there’s always something. Most of the time, I can rise above or ignore it but every once in a while, something comes along that just complicates my life to no end. The leap second is such a thing.

You know about the leap second, right? News reports say that an extra second will be added to the clocks at about 7:59 pm on June 30. Here’s my first issue with this. If the extra second has the potential to destroy computer programs and change the world as we know it, couldn’t we be a little more precise than about 7:59 p.m.? I mean we’re talking a leap second.

I read about this and I mean no disrespect to reporters who claim that this could be bigger than Y2K. If you were around back then, you know that Y2K was nothing. Nothing happened. We turned over into the next century and there were no issues. I was working at MBNA at the time and we were supporting the Camden New Year’s celebration. We had vehicles transporting people here and there for the Camden event, but the firm had people on site, on standby at the stroke of midnight to deal with the apocalypse that didn’t happen.

The biggest event of the night was that the fireworks set off a fire on Mt. Battie.

So, back to the leap second. What are you going to do to prepare? One minute it will be 7:59 and the next minute, it won’t. Whoa. We’re talking a leap second, so minutes don’t count.

One minute it will be 7:59 and then it will be one leap second after 7:59. Like before we know it. In the blink of an eye. But there are issues. Computers could crash.

Air travel could be disrupted. Like it already isn’t.

So, here’s the deal: This didn’t get in the news because some computer geek noticed something on their laptop calendar. People have been studying this. For a long time, I’d say.

Whether your political persuasion is conservative or liberal, it’s likely that your tax dollars have contributed to getting us to where we are today. It’s next Tuesday, folks. You need to be prepared. At the very least, buy milk and bread. Fill the bathtub with water. Make sure your personal affairs are in order. This could be big.

Or, maybe not.

While it’s highly unlikely, it’s possible that the leap second won’t affect you at all.

It’s important that you buy into the hype, lay awake at night and worry about all that could happen when the leap second occurs.

Please don’t wait until the last minute (or second) to make your plans. Start now! This is history that you are experiencing and you should give it respect.

At 8 pm on June 30, the world will never be the same. But then again, it will never be the same again without the leap second. I wish you the best and know that I will be praying for you at 7:59 on June 30.

Bill Packard lives in Union and is the founder of  He is a speaker, author, small business coach and consultant. 

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