Classified Advertiser Policy

By using this site for the purpose of placing a Classified Advertisement, an “Ad”, on,, or, hereinafter referred to as “Site” or “Sites”, I understand and agree to comply with the following terms of use for Advertisers:   
I am 18 years of age or older.  I will not use the Sites for any illegal purpose.  I am solely responsible for the content and description of my Ad, including but not limited to material factors of authenticity, condition, legality, accuracy, completeness, safety, and other relevant factors of the item(s) listed for sale or trade.  The Sites are not responsible for any aspect of the content of my Ad listing.  The fee for the Ad is for the placement, size and visibility on the Sites for a specified duration of time, and therefore, the Sites do not warrant or guarantee in any form that a transaction or successful sale or trade will occur.  Any form of contact that may occur between me as an Advertiser and any readers “Users” of the Sites are strictly between Advertisers and Users and are the sole responsibility of Advertisers and Users.    
At our sole determination, the Sites may refuse to place a submitted ad, or edit or remove any or all information subsequent to placement, including my entire listing, without notice. If I violate these terms, the Sites may permanently remove me from access to the Sites.     
I indemnify and hold harmless the Sites and all its owners, directors, officers, employees, and agents for any and all losses, harm, damages, costs, liabilities, and expenses caused to them, whether intentional or unintentional, by my use of the Sites, including but not limited to the direct or indirect results of violations of any and all applicable Federal and State laws.  In no event shall the Sites be liable for an amount greater than the amount received for a specific Ad related directly to any claim.

Note: no refunds for early cancellation.  
Sites may make changes to these terms at any time without notifying users.