
Rockport Library Committee urges yes on Articles 8 and 9

Fri, 10/31/2014 - 2:15pm

Rockport is engaged in a passionate debate about the future of our library, and on November 4, voters have the opportunity to weigh in. The Library Committee, Select Board, and hundreds of citizens urge the community to vote yes on Articles 8 and 9 to develop a plan for an accessible, adaptable library that meets the needs of our whole community, now and into the future.

There is widespread agreement that a significantly larger and better equipped library is necessary to meet our community's needs. If you've visited the library recently, you know that among the requirements are a large meeting room, an expanded children's room, additional librarian workspace, private meeting space, and more bathrooms.

A yes on Article 8 acknowledges those critical needs, and a yes on Article 9 supports the former Rockport Elementary School site as the primary location for further study. That detail — further study — is key.

Supporters of yes on 8 and 9 want to engage the whole community in developing that space to deliver the best possible library services to all members of our community, regardless of age, address, or physical limitations. The design details will require considerable community input, because carefully researched, well-planned solutions are always more cost-effective than back-of-the-envelope, phony fixes.

Next Tuesday, Rockport residents will have an opportunity to express their support for a Library for All and a Library for Now. Supporters know that the essential nature of Rockport does not depend on blindly "preserving" our tiny, tired library that, while serving us well, is beyond its expiration date. They appreciate that Articles 8 and 9 grew out of extensive study by citizen volunteers, elected officials, library consultants, and building experts. And they understand that, while crucial, these articles are nonbinding.

Approving Articles 8 and 9 is the necessary next step in a process that will include design input from the community, fundraising commitments, and voter approval before the Town of Rockport actually builds a new library.

Vote yes on 8 and 9 to move the process forward.

Vote yes on 8 and 9 to keep your options open.

Vote yes on 8 and 9 to support a library for all.

Kathleen Meil is chairman of the Rockport Library Committee