With votes cast by Rockport Police Department peers...

Police Sgt. Travis Ford named Rockport’s inaugural ‘Officer of the Year’

Tue, 01/12/2016 - 2:30pm

    ROCKPORT — When Rockport Police Chief Mark Kelley asked Sgt. Travis Ford to attend Tuesday night's Select Board meeting to represent him in discussing the dog park's request for a street light to illuminate their parking lot better at night, Ford dutifully drove back into town from his home in Appleton, after ending his shift earlier at 4 p.m. Little did he know, it was a ruse.

    Fifteen minutes into the meeting, the chief appeared in the room, which would not have been odd, except that Town Manager Rick Bates told Ford that he been asked to come to the meeting for something other than a street light discussion.

    "I guess I've been had," said Ford from his seat in the front row of the regular town business meeting.

    Yes, Ford was had. Especially since Kelly had only shared the coming news with a few people.

    Tuesday night, Kelley named Ford as Rockport Officer of the Year for 2015.

    "As administrators, we try to make sure to thank people for jobs well done during the course of a year, but we often forget to thank people for one reason or another," said Kelley.

    Kelley said that this is the first time in his nearly 20 years as Rockport's police chief that an officer has been honored as Officer of the Year.

    The selection process began at the beginning of 2015, when he asked his officers what they thought an Officer of the Year criteria should entail.

    "I got mostly the normal responses: work ethic, attitude, integrity and things along that line," said Kelley prior to Tuesday night's meeting. "I was surprised, though, because one of the criteria was community involvement. They gave me a great list to go on."

    Fast forward to December, and Kelley said he polled the officers again. This time, based on the criteria provided, who did they feel fit it best.

    "Each of the six officers was allowed one vote. They could not vote for themselves, but they could vote for anyone else in the department," said Kelley.

    The Rockport Police Department includes Ford, Dana Smith, Robbie Shaw, Craig Cooley, Jimmy Moore and Cooper Plaisted, though Plaisted has recently taken a job with another agency.

    Kelley said when he tabulated the votes, Ford had received the most.

    "I reserved the right to break ties and my input would be final, but it was a no-brainer that Travis should be Officer of the Year with his demeanor and community mindedness," said Kelley.

    Presentation of the plaque was a quick, two-minute affair Tuesday night, with a stunned Ford simply saying thanks and shaking hands with Kelley, Bates and Select Board members Geoff Parker, Ken McKinley, Bill Chapman and Owen Cassas. (Select Board member Tracy Murphy was absent at the last minute.)

    Afterward, Kelley said presenting the plaque to Ford, who has been with the department for 15 years, was an emotional moment. It was also one of the reasons the presentation had so quick.

    "I have never given this award out before," said Kelley. "You always like to think you thank them on a regular basis, but I'm going to try to up the ante by doing it like this and having the other officers provide input about who they think fits the criteria."

    Before the meeting, Kelley said he looked outside the immediate area to find someone to make the plaque for Ford, and he only told two people, at the last minute, that the presentation would be made at the Jan. 11 meeting.

    "I'm surprised it didn't get leaked out, because police officers by nature are suspicious and nosy," said Kelley.

    Reach Editorial Director Holly S. Edwards at hollyedwards@penbaypilot.com and 706-6655.