Police say ‘Felony Lane Gang’s’ reach is wide

Multi-state operation targets valuables left in plain sight
Mon, 01/19/2015 - 9:00am

    BELFAST — Belfast Police say they were alerted to the connection between a recently burglarized local vehicle and a multi-state theft ring known as the Felony Lane Gang due to the method of using outer drive-through lanes of banks in the crimes.

    "The checks [that were stolen from a vehicle in Belfast] were deposited to an account in Portland," which is what led Portland Police to connect the two, according to Detective Bryan Cunningham.

    Although this might be the Felony Gang Lane's first crime directly linked to Belfast, accounts are more widespread. Recent news concerning the gang includes an article about the attempt by the Marion County Indiana Sheriff's Office to combat the "notorious criminal gang" using advanced criminal analytics.

    A Texas NBC affiliate reported the arrest of 16 members of the Florida based gang in June 2013. The arrest came after some of the members were captured after detectives reviewed video.

    Methods remain the same: Smash windows, steal purses and use contents to cash checks in the drive-thru lane of local banks.

    In the Plano, Texas, incident, a police spokesman said the entire crime, from smashing the window to stealing the purse, took approximately 10 seconds, according to published reports.

    The group is also known for coercing locals to cash checks, paying them a small amount in exchange.

    The gang is also well-known for having a large number of members located in many areas. Belfast Police urge residents to use extra vigilance when leaving valuables in their vehicles.

    Erica Thoms can be reached at news@penbaypilot.com