OUT As I Want to Be focuses on LGBTQ youth

Mon, 09/08/2014 - 12:00pm

ROCKLAND — Maine's Midcoast region is not an easy place for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender and questioning teens. Eight out of ten lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) Maine youth regularly experience verbal harassment based on gender expression. LGBTQ youth have a two to three times higher rate of suicide attempts than heterosexual teens in Maine.

LGBTQ youth are at a much higher risk of skipping school, dropping out of school, substance abuse, homelessness and even suicide. Rural, isolated Midcoast Maine LGBTQ teens are a particularly vulnerable segment of this population, reflected in Knox County having one of the highest rates of suicide attempts among this group.

OUT As I Want to Be has been working for 18 years to support and empower this at-risk group. OUT's weekly drop-in program in Rockland continues to draw local youth for a safe space to explore their gender expression.

"Yet, our rural Midcoast region, with its nonexistent public transportation, makes it difficult for questioning youth from around the Midcoast region to access our drop-in space," notes incoming Board President, Lucie Bauer. "We need to reach out to build an informed village of gatekeepers who are already working with these youth to provide information and tools for effective support."

OUT recently hosted a suicide prevention training for regional practitioners and providers at the First Universalist Church in Rockland. Youth service providers, clinicians, and faith community members spent a full day exploring these issues and ways to successfully intervene in particularly vulnerable cases.

"This workshop is the beginning of OUT's effort to raise awareness of LGBTQ youth and their unique challenges throughout our communities," notes Bauer.

OUT is planning another mental health training in November and more activities in the spring. For more information, or to be placed on OUT's mailing list for notification about upcoming trainings and workshops, email outmidcoast@gmail.com.

OUT! As I Want To Be supports and empowers lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning young people and their allies in Maine mid-coastal areas. Through affirmation, advocacy, education and guidance, OUT! assists LGBTQ youth 22 and under in their journeys from adolescence to healthy adulthood.

For more information, to volunteer, or to make a contribution to Out!, visit www.outmaine.org, email outmidcoast@gmail.com, call 1-800.530.6997 or mail donations to Out! As I Want to Be, P.O. Box 1723, Rockland, ME 04841.