Maine quality forum releases online training tool on infection prevention

Thu, 06/16/2016 - 4:00pm

In their 2014 report to the Maine State Legislature, the Maine Quality Forum highlighted the need to enhance training within extended care facilities- nursing facilities and assisted living facilities, in response to the rise of healthcare associated Infections among residents. Maine does not require extended care facilities to report HAIs and therefore cannot calculate their incidence. However, a national study which examined infections in U.S. nursing facilities over a five year period (2006·2010) found increased infection rates for pneumonia, urinary tract infections, viral hepatitis, septicemia, wound Infections, and multiple drug-resistant organisms.   These are considered preventable Infections that may cause death and complications to nursing facility residents. 

To address this mounting concern, the MQF contracted with the Muskie School of Public Service to work collaboratively with the Maine CDC and other key stakeholders to develop an online training for Infection Preventionists working in Maine's extended care facilities said Karynlee Harrington, executive director of the MQF.  Today is the formal launch of our infection prevention forum-an on-line, eight-hour curriculum that is divided into five stand-alone modules to be completed at the will and convenience of the participant. Content areas include: general infection control and prevention practices; common infectious diseases; isolation/transmission precautions, surveillance and data collection; performance Improvement, and antibiotic stewardship.  A certificate is issued upon completion of all modules.

Rita Owsiak, HAI Coordinator with the Maine CDC, emphasized the importance of the training resource.  It provides practical information and evidence-based strategies for integrating infection prevention activities into daily practice.  Materials included in the companion 'Go To Guide' provide the facilities with a wide range of useful tools to evaluate and enhance the infection prevention and control program. 

“I applaud the efforts of these organizations to develop this comprehensive on-line training,” said Maine Department of Health and Human Services Commissioner Mary Mayhew. “These resources provide important information to all facility staff, especially those on the front lines, who are key in detecting and preventing healthcare-associated infections.”

The training can be accessed at:   The MQF will use feedback from users and emerging trends to update the training periodically.  The MQF is also investigating the future possibility of providing continuing education credits (CEUs) to those who successfully complete the training.