Letter to the editor: Vote park/open space

Tue, 10/21/2014 - 3:00pm

I have always felt that there is a unique and creative solution to the tannery puzzle that would be comfortable for most townspeople.  The upcoming nonbinding vote meant to gauge how the community is feeling about the property offers only two choices: Park/open space versus business/commercial.

By voting for park/open space I feel we would be expressing our desire to look at the property in a new way, expanding open space but not necessarily excluding some compatible commercial activity. 

A vote for business/commercial would be to continue what we have been trying to do; i.e., sell it. 

But lately, after reading the letters written and hearing various conversations about Article 3, it seems there are some who believe that voting for the business/commercial option would also allow for the expansion of open space.

I find it confusing that both ‘camps’ seem to be interested in exploring the possibility of establishing the property as mixed use. However, I believe that if you are interested in a new approach to the tannery dilemma, whether it’s all park or a combination of uses, you should vote for park/open space. 

Let’s revisit this entire issue. We should stop trying to sell the property and take a new look at our options. As involved and slow a process as this may be, it is worth taking the time to make a wise decision about this asset.  VOTE PARK/OPEN SPACE!


Bob Gassett lives in Camden