Letter to the editor: In support of Dave Miramant

Sun, 09/14/2014 - 6:00pm

I am writing in support of Dave Miramant for Senate District 12.

A graduate of U-Maine in Farmington, Dave has already served in several capacities: selectman in Camden and member of the Maine House of Representatives. He has demonstrated his commitment to our communities.

He now seeks to replace the highly respected Ed Mazurek, a true lion in the Democratic fight for the environment, education, middle-class protection, the safety net for our most vulnerable fellow citizens. Dave is the kind of person we need to carry the fight, to battle against those who would turn back the clock on the progress made over the last 40 years.

He has been endorsed by the Maine Conservation Voters, the Maine Education Association, The Maine People's Alliance and the Sierra Club. These speak to Dave's record and character.

Please join me on Nov. 4 in supporting this strong candidate, who will advocate for those values and principles we need to protect.

Michael Donnelly lives in Rockland