Letter to the editor: To give thanks

Tue, 11/25/2014 - 1:45pm
From the start of my campaign in April, to winning the election Nov. 4, I have met many of my new constituents.  I have driven to your houses, met your children, parents and many pets.  I have seen some wonderful homes complete with happiness and love. I also have seen many situations that truly affected me.  I've seen poverty, wealth, neglect, pride, anger and love.  I've been met with kindness and also with such rudeness that I walked away in shock. 
But from all of this I feel that I have gained an insight and education as to the people of District 96 in Waldo County.  To my supporters  I'd like to say thank you.  I also have to say thank you to the many volunteers who kept me safe, kept my on track and gave of their time and encouragement.  But to all of the voters of District 96, I  want you to know that I will try my hardest to be a representative whom you will be proud of.  
Saying that, I need to ask for your help. I'll need your input, your thoughts, concerns, expertise and wisdom.  Geographically, we have a very large district with a wide range of challenges and many diverse needs and complicated issues. Let me know what you think about issues that arise.Keep me informed as to what you believe in and why. 
And finally, let me know what I can do to help you and how I can best represent you, your family and your community.  Let me know about community events and gatherings that I might come and hear your voices.
I have so very much enjoyed meeting you and I feel honored that I will be your representative.
May Thanksgiving and the holidays be full of warmth and happiness.
Christine  Burstein (D-Lincolnville) has been elected to represent District 96 (Belmont, Lincolnville, Liberty, Montville, Morrill, Palermo and Searsmont) in Augusta.