2013 Camden Windjammer Festival...

Fireworks cap first night of Camden Windjammer Festival

Fri, 08/30/2013 - 10:30pm

Story Location:
2 Public Landing
Camden, ME 04843
United States

    CAMDEN — Friday night’s fireworks show lasted nearly 30 minutes, with a nice cluster at the beginning of the show and a true grand finale.

    Camden’s downtown was packed, from Harbor Park and the Public Landing, down to the Camden Yacht Club and across the harbor at Wayfarer Marine. There wasn’t a parking space to be found and it was a great time, capping the first day of the Camden Windjammer Festival.

    Saturday and Sunday have full schedules, so be sure and head to town and join the fun and celebrations.

    Editorial Director Holly S. Edwards can be reached at hollyedwards@penbaypilot.com or 706-6655.