Hear stories about being at sea, Arctic and Antarctic

Captain Hannah Gray to speak at Propeller Club meeting

Mon, 01/18/2016 - 11:15am

Story Location:
20 Northport Ave
Belfast, ME 04915
United States

BELFAST The Propeller Club holds its first meeting Wednesday, Jan. 20, and it is open to the public. Featured speaker will be Capt. Hannah Gray. Capt. Gray, raised on Little Cranberry Island, holds a 500-ton Ocean Master's license.

For the past 2 ½ years, she has served as a marine technician in the U.S. Antarctic Program. She deployed, maintained and repaired the ship's mechanical scientific gear. Before joining USAP, Capt. Gray worked at Maine Maritime Academy, teaching classes and working on the waterfront. For several years she was chief mate on the Arctic Schooner Bowdoin, including a circumnavigation of Newfoundland.

2016 brings Capt. Gray back to MMA. She is the Academy's representative for the Schooner Bowdoin's deck replacement and rebuilding at Lyman Morse in Camden. She is responsible for global management of the project, its budget, and timetable for completion, as she answers to the project's multiple constituencies: shipbuilder and carpenters, students, donors, surveyor, USCG, MMA faculty and staff.

Take a guest and future club member to join, hear Hannah Gray's stories, and share good fellowship. The meeting will start at 1800, with hors d'oeuvres and cash bar for social hour, and dinner at 1845. The cost of the meal is $30. The meeting will be at the Waldo Shrine Club, 20 Northport Avenue, Belfast. Reservations are required; call Amanda at 207-338-3000.