Broadreach’s Youthlinks Program holds ‘Pot o Lobstahs’ raffle

Thu, 08/21/2014 - 1:00pm

ROCKLAND –- The Youthlinks Program of Broadreach Family & Community Services is offering the tastiest raffle of the season — two chances to win a pot of lobsters, complete with the pot, mitts, and crackers. Dave Cousens, a local lobsterman has donated the tasty crustaceans to benefit the programs of Youthlinks.

The tickets for Pot o Lobstahs are selling six for $5, and the drawing will be held on September 30.  All proceeds from this fundraiser will benefit the Youthlinks Program.

Youthlinks has been serving the youth of the greater Rockland area for more than 32 years. Middle and high school students sign up for after school and summer programs that offer a wide range of topics. Most “clubs”, as each topic is known, bring community experts to Youthlinks and give the students an opportunity to interact with the community.

Besides learning new skills, expanding knowledge, and trying new things, the students also have a chance to provide community service through a local meals program, volunteer at a local residential health care facility, and at an animal shelter. Clubs also encourage healthy lifestyles, including good nutrition, physical activity and avoiding harmful substances.

Most recently, the Student Garden Army at Youthlinks hosted a Grassroots Garden Tour showcasing all the work they had accomplished in the gardens and greenhouse this summer including sales of their garden produce at their weekly farm stand and their donations to the local food cupboard.

Other groups of students had opportunities to attend camp at Youthlinks or Sailing Camp through the Apprenticeshop and a special grant from Machias Savings Bank.

Youthlinks, is a program of the non-profit organization Broadreach Family & Community Services agency, a 501(c)(3) organization. For more information about how to purchase tickets, call Youthlinks at 594-2221 and speak with Kris Koerber, the program director, or Hannah Magnusson, the program manager. You may also contact Sue diRosario in the Belfast office of Broadreach at 338-2200, extension 201 for ticket information for the Pot o Lobstahs Fundraiser.