Behind the lens with Marti Stone: Songs of Solomon Gospel Choir

Mon, 12/16/2013 - 11:45am

    ROCKPORT — Photographer Marti Stone is a familiar face around the Midcoast, as she captures images of people and events for a variety of clients, including Penobscot Bay Area Chamber of Commerce, Coastal Living magazine, Down East publications and Bay Chamber Community Music School, to name but a few. Sometimes, she just goes out and takes photos for herself, or because she can’t pass up a beautiful sunset or an interesting group of people that catch her eye.

    This past Saturday, Dec. 14, she went behind the curtain of the Rockport Opera House for a unique opportunity to watch and listen as the Rev. Chantel Renee Wright warmed up her Songs of Solomon Gospel Choir. Soon, the young people hailing from Harlem, N.Y., and nearby borough neighborhoods, would open a concert on a cold, late afternoon and both entertain and inspire a full house of appreciative and for some, curious, audience.

    This is Stone’s blog about her time with Wright and the choir, behind the curtain and out on stage:

    No cold fee: Bay Chamber Concerts present Songs of Solomon Gospel Choir

    Related story with photos and video:

    Gospel music and fireworks highlight Rockport’s super festive Holiday on the Harbor

    Editorial Director Holly S. Edwards can be reached at or 706-6655.