Farnsworth Museum

Beginner rug-hooking workshop in Rockland

Fri, 08/22/2014 - 3:45pm

    ROCKLAND — Tuesday, Sept. 2, through Thursday, Sept. 4, the Farnsworth Art Museum will host a three-day beginner workshop on rug hooking. The program, led by Gabrielle Wicklow will take place at the museum's Gamble Education Center at the corner of Union and Grace Streets, in Rockland, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

    Students are invited to join this three-day class devoted to learning the craft of traditional rug hooking. In this introductory class, the rich history of primitive rug design will be discussed and step-by-step rug hooking basics will be taught, which will include preparing foundation material, cutting the wool, and hooking with yarn and silk.

    Students will also learn about tools such as hooks, frames and hoops, and they will be shown various hooking techniques and finishing options. By the end of the class, each student will have made a 12" x 12" rug from start to finish. No prior rug hooking experience is required.

    Instructor Gabrielle Wicklow designed and taught needle art for more than twenty years before discovering rug hooking. She is a member of the National Guild of Pearl McGown Hookcrafters, the Green Mountain Rug Hooking Guild, and the Association of Traditional Hooking Artists (ATHA).

    The fee for this class is $295 for Farnsworth members and $325 for nonmembers. For more information or to register, visit the museum's website at www.farnsworthmuseum.org/education or call the education department at 207-596-0949.