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The trainers at CJ Strength & Conditioning welcome Zumba instructor Jarica Weed 
on Saturdays (9:45a - 10:45a) starting March 18!

Zumba is a Latin-inspired dance fitness class that features variations on classic Latin dances such as salsa, cumbria and merengue with a more current spin and faster beats (such as raggaeton, pop and others). Choreography is broken down and cued, so every student will be successful, get in a fantastic workout, and have fun!

NEEDED, and you don't have to have been "born" with rhythm - Jarica's got you covered. CJ Strength and Conditioning owner Jack Hauprich talks about taking the class: "Oh I'm definitely trying it," he said. "We were lucky to find Jarica, who shares our philosophy that fitness should be accessible to everyone - so she's only charging $5.00 per class. We think that's pretty awesome."

Weed graduated Camden Hills Regional High School in 2006, received a Master's degree in Clincial Social Work and is now in private practice in Rockport, and holds a Zumba Instructor certificate. She insists that Zumba is more than a workout or for burning calories. "It's a mental and emotional gift that students give themselves each time they attend class." She's pleased to be partnering with CJ Strength and Conditioning to bring Zumba's great energy to the community. 

Head over to CJ Strength (on Route 90, second floor of "The Pitch" in Warren - just a few minutes past Camden Hills Regional High School), and put a bounce back in your step!

Classes are $5 drop-ins, no pre-registration required!

Event Date: 

Sat, 03/25/2017 - 9:45am to 10:45am
Sat, 04/01/2017 - 9:45am to 10:45am
Sat, 04/08/2017 - 9:45am to 10:45am

Event Location: 

CJ Strength & Conditioning, 2606 Camden Road, Warren, ME 04864

Contact Name: 

Chris Chacon

Contact Phone: 

(207) 592-3004

Contact Email: