Join us at the "Down The Chute Beer and Wine Tasting Challenge"

- Private group -
Fri, 01/30/2015 - 9:00am

North Atlantic Painting is a proud sponsor, along with West Bay Rotary! This year, we're going to have an outdoor area with a fire pit, some hay bales and a grill going with some hot dogs. Having some fun, making some money for Rotary is what it's all about. The selection of beers and wines was fantastic last year, as was the camaraderie of all the vendors. Having a good time, getting ramped up for the next day of Toboggan Races is what it is all about. So come join us!

12 Brewers and 4 Wineries will be serving along with your souvenir drinking glass.  $20 in advance or $25 at the door.

See more at:

Visit us at or call us today for a free estimate: 236-0703